A respected and award-winning company with a fresh approach to solving challenges.


Since 2005, InfraPlan has been solving problems across all levels of government and the private sector, with over 650 engagements across Australia, from strategy for entire states and cities to $40B in infrastructure projects.

infraPlan has become a trusted name offering an impressive suite of capabilities in urban and transport planning, infrastructure development, new strategy and policy, project appraisal and land economics. infraPlan represents a fresh and integrated approach to contemporary strategic, urban, housing and transport challenges.

infraPlanX.io is our AI powered platform trained on 20 years of infraPlan’s privately held, legacy knowledge database. A secure and digital workspace, combined with up to date information and trends that can develop and test complex policies for governments; infrastructure and business case appraisals and technical guidance for any project. Predictive insights via proprietary simulation models that can be designed to fit any global application.


Who We’ve Worked With

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